PK (Y1)


This week we will learn that God Loves everyone. God wants to be in relationship with us and we can be a part of his family. 


Show your child several emoji faces. Showing them a sad, happy, angry and laughing face.  Ask, Which emotion do you think shows love? Which one of these emotions shows sadness? Which one shows anger? God is love. It is his character and who he is. He loves everyone. In our story today we will learn about how God loves everyone and wants us to be a part of his family.

Materials: emoji faces, Bible 

Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week. John 3:1-17

Who came to see Jesus? Nicodemus

Did Nicodemus believe that Jesus was from God? Yes

What did Jesus tell Nicodemus he needed to do to see the kingdom of God? Be born again

What did Jesus say one must do to be born again? To be born of water and the Spirit.

Why must Jesus be lifted up? So that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. 

We learn from this story that Jesus wants us to be a part of his family and live with him forever because He love us!


God loves everyone, because God is love! God loves us very much and he wants to be with us.  


On heart cut-outs write verses about love, or use the scavenger hunt hearts attached. Hide the hearts around the room. Give your child a small bucket or bag and have them find the hearts you have hidden. Tell them when you start to sing the song “Jesus Loves Me”, they should come back to where you are. (GIve them a few minutes to collect as many as they can). Have them count how many hearts they found. Read the heart verses aloud. Every time you read the word “Love” have them make jazz hands to show they are listening and hearing how much God loves them.

Materials: Hearts with written verse, plain heart cut-outs, scavenger hunt hearts


Make a handprint heart. On a large sheet of construction paper draw a large heart with a pencil to outline the shape. Paint your child’s hand with paint and have them stamp their hand a few times within the heart. Repeat using different color paints until the inside of the heart is filled with handprints. Write on the top of the page “God Loves Everyone

Materials: paint, construction paper, paint brush


Play this game of memory.

Materials: memory game



Love verse memory cards 

Cut colorful or printed cardstock paper into 3x5 cards. Cut out the attached verses or write verses about love on a white sheet of paper. Glue the verses about love onto the colorful cardstock cards. Hole punch each cardstock card and place them on a loose leaf binder ring. Read through scriptures and try to memorize them throughout the week.

Materials: Cardstock, verses of love, loose leaf binder ring


Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page

Practical Application at Home

Showing others God’s love is a way to demonstrate to God that we love him. In Matthew 25:34-46 it says that when we feed the hungry, clothe those without any clothes, or take care of the sick, it is as if we are doing these kind things to Jesus. This week look for ways to show others you love them. Start with the people closest to you and then branch out. When you branch out to people outside of your family, work together as a family to demonstrate love to others.

On your own:

  1. Give a hug

  2. Bring something needed without them asking, like a blanket, a glass of water, or slippers.

  3. Clean something that you didn’t make dirty, without being asked.

As a family:

  1. Send someone a card in the mail just to say you are thinking of them.

  2. Make “Jesus loves you” cards and hand them out to friends at church or leave the notes to be found.

  3. Make cookies or treats to pass out at an assisted Living facility for a grandparent who may not have family visitors.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food