Elementary (Y1)


This week we will learn that Jesus was unusual because he is Perfect! We make mistakes sometimes but Jesus did not sin! This week we will see how Jesus withstood temptation and what we can do to resist temptation as well.


Let’s have a race! How quickly can you think of a verse that talks about each topic listed below? For example, if the topic is food, your response could be “The bible says man shall not live by bread alone.” Try not to use your bible but use your memory! Use a stopwatch to record how fast you can say a corresponding verse. Start each response with “The bible says…” Ready! GO!

— Worry — Fear — Love — Trust — Fellowship

— Words — Heart — Walk — Sight — Faith

Were you able to do it perfectly without using the Bible but your memory? Was it hard to remember the verses quickly and under pressure? Jesus is unusual, He is perfect! Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, or desert by Satan, but Jesus did not sin. Satan tempted him and Jesus responded with scripture each time. 

What is a temptation? (When someone tries to get us to do something we know we shouldn’t do or when we want to do something we know we shouldn’t do.)

Materials: Stopwatch, Bible or online bible

Watch this video

Read or listen to Luke 4:1-13 

How many days was Jesus in the wilderness? (40 days)

Jesus did not eat for 40 days. What’s the longest time you’ve gone without food?

Do you think Jesus was hungry?

How many times did Satan tempt Jesus? (3 times)

What was the first temptation Satan used? (Offering to turn the stones into bread because he knew Jesus was hungry)

How did Jesus respond? (He used the Bible to tell Satan that we should depend on God, not food)

What was the second temptation Satan used? (He showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offered it to Jesus if he would bow down and worship him)

What was Jesus’ response to the second temptation? (Jesus responded with scripture that says  we are to only worship and serve God)

What was the third temptation Satan used? (He asked Jesus to prove he was the son of God by throwing himself down for the angels to save.)

How did Jesus respond? (He used the scripture that says Do not put God to the test.)

We have all been tempted whether we act on it or not. What are some things you have been tempted with?

Video link: Jesus at the temple


Jesus was unusual, He is God! He is perfect and was able to conquer temptation perfectly. We all face temptations every day, whether we give in to them or not. Some temptations are harder than others such as lying to get out of trouble, fighting with your siblings, being unkind to classmates, disobeying your parents, or cheating at a game. The good news is because Jesus conquered sin perfectly he understands and will help us as we fight our temptations. We can follow Jesus’ example when we face temptations by using God’s word as our guide and response.


Sequence cards, place these cards in order of the events that happened. 

Materials: Sequence cards printed, Printer


  1. Read or listen to the following scriptures. On a sheet of paper make a chart and write the temptation the scripture can conquer.

      Proverbs 26:28 (lying) Leviticus 19:4 (idols)

      John 10:10 (steal) Exodus 14:14    (fight)

      Proverbs 11:18  (deceit)    Proverbs 16:32 (gluttony)

Colossians 3:20 (disobedient)

Materials: Bible or online Bible, Paper


Cut out 2 hearts from a red construction paper. Place them together and punch holes around the outer edge. Then take ribbon or yarn and weave it in and out of the holes to make an envelope. Write these scripture verses on cut out papers to add to the inside of your heart envelope. Hebrews 2:18; James 1: 2-3, James 1:12; I Peter 2:9, Rev. 3:10

Materials: Construction paper, Heart stencil, Hole punch, Ribbon or yarn, paper




Color the scroll and read the scripture. Then glue or tape popsicle sticks to the top and bottom of the coloring page. Roll both ends towards each other and tie with a string.

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers



Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Lets read the scripture Romans 12:1-2. What do you think it means to “conform to the world”? When someone conforms it means they change to fit or be what others expect of them. If we conform to the “world” we have changed who we are, or who God wants us to be, into what the world expects us to be. This verse tells us not to be changed into the world’s image but God wants to transform us into his image! His will, or plan for us, is good and pleasing and perfect! 

1. Your mom says you can ride your bike up and down your street. You want to go visit your friend on the next block. You think “I should just stay here in front of my house, but I will only be gone a few minutes. I will just go get my friend and bring him back to my house so my mom won’t even know I was gone”. What would you do?

2. Mom has baked fresh cookies and the house smells wonderful. She tells you they are for the neighbor who just moved in next door so you can not have any. You think “These cookies smell delicious and they are my favorite. Mom won’t miss one cookie if I only eat one. She makes cookies for me at other times so its not as though I’m not allowed to eat cookies. Plus, I did really well in school today, so I really deserve it.” What would you do?

3. At school you sit down at the table with your friends to eat lunch and look over and see a new kid in class sitting by themselves. You notice they look very sad but haven’t asked to sit with anyone else. You think “Its really hard to move to a new school and not have any friends. I really should go over there and eat with them or invite them to my table but what would my friends say? What if the new kid rejects me as a friend? I don’t want to be laughed at. I’m sure eventually they will make a friend this year.” What would you do?

4. There’s a line at the concessions stand at the basketball game. You are really hungry and cant’ imagine waiting in line for what looks to be 30 mins. You spot one of your friends near the front of the line. You think, “I could go to where my friend is and just have a small conversation and then stay in line with them. The people behind me won’t know or realize I have cut them. People do it all the time so really it’s ok.” What would you do?

5. Your best friend in science class didn’t get a chance to study for the test today. Before class starts, they whisper and tell you they didn’t study and need your help. They ask you to share some of your answers with them. They tell you if you are a good best friend you would help them out because it’s the same as if you had studied together like you normally do. You think, “I don’t want my friend to be upset with me. I want to keep them as my best friend, but I also studied really hard for this test. I don't want to get into trouble and lose a good grade. Is it cheating if I just make my paper visible?” What would you do?

6. Your teacher sends you to another teachers classroom with a note but when you get there no one is there. As you prepare to leave the note on the teachers desk, you see a ziplock bag filled with money. You don’t have time to count it but it looks to be about $100. You think, “No one is here. If I take this money no one will ever know and I will have money to buy what I’ve been saving up for months to buy. I’m sure the teacher has more money somewhere else so they won’t miss this money and really, I’m the one who needs it!” What would you do?

7. A friend finds a cigarette and decides to share it with you. They tell you they just want to see what it is like and they know older kids who do it. They ask you to try it with them. You think, “I could try it just one time to see what its like and then never try it again. I know it's bad for me but surely one time can’t hurt. I don’t want my friend to feel bad or get mad because they had to try it on their own. Maybe being a good friend is helping them see how bad this is for their health and we will know for sure after we try it one time.” What would you do? 

Read or listen to Hebrews 4:15

Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 10:13

Everyone faces temptations in their life whether we give into it or resist it. The scenarios mentioned earlier are things that could happen in our every day lives. We don't have to face our temptations alone. We can ask Jesus to help us because he wants to help us overcome, just as he did. When we know the scriptures we are equipped to give an answer for our faith. We can be assured we are doing the right things because we use the bible as our guide. Jesus will provide what we need, we can call on him! He is perfect!

Materials: Printer, Paper

Practical Application at Home

Jesus was unusual, He is perfect! He was able to stand against temptation using the scriptures he knew. We all face temptations in our daily lives. This week you will face different temptations at school, with your friends and at home. This week try to focus on a few things to help you resist temptations.

Materials: Journal, Praise or prayer box

1. Read an encouraging verse from the Bible each morning and pray. Ask God to help you overcome whatever temptations you may face that day as well as any temptation you may regularly struggle with.

2. Commit to memorizing scripture verses each week. Practice saying it throughout each day. As you memorize it, think on what the verse really means to you and how you can apply it to your life that day as well as throughout the week.

3. When you see God make a way out of your temptation, write it in a journal or keep it in a prayer/praise box. Thank God for providing a way to endure it and giving you the wisdom to know what to do or say in the situation.

4. If you fall into temptation, because we all make mistakes sometimes, be sure to ask God for forgiveness. Don’t give up but instead repent. Remember to repent is to choose to go a different direction. Find a scripture that can help you make a better choice next time if you are ever tempted in the same way again. Then trust that God has forgiven you and will continue to help you.

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food