PreK (Y1)

Jesus loves us and he also loves our enemies! What does that mean for us? How should we treat our enemies? This week we will see what God says about how we treat our enemies.


I am going to say several words and I want you to say a word that means the same. If I said happy, you could say (elated, joyful, etc). Continue the activity with these words: kind (nice), angry (mean), late (tardy), good (great).

Now I am going to say several words and I want you to say the opposite. So if I say happy you would say (sad). Continue with the following words: big (little), up (down), tall (short), open (close), stop (go), over (under), hot (cold). 

When we think about the way others treat us it is easy to treat them the same way. If my friend shares their toys it makes me want to share as well. When my mom gives me hugs, I want to give her hugs in return! If my dad brings me a gift, I want to think of a gift to give him in return. Loving others is easy when they show love towards us. What about when others are not kind toward us? Do we want to treat them the same way, in an unkind way? Read the scripture for today and see what God says we should do to those who mistreat us.

Read or listen to the scripture Matthew 5:40-48

If someone asks you for your shirt, what else should you hand over as well? (your coat)

What are the 2 things Jesus said we should do to our enemies? (love and pray for them)

God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, the rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. What do you think that means? (God provides for everyone)

What does God say the pagans do? (love those who love them, greet only their own people.

If we are not pagan but believe in God, how should our actions be different from theirs? (It should reflect God’s love, which he shows to the evil and the good, the righteous and unrighteous).

Jesus said we should love our enemies. That seems like the opposite of what we want to do. It’s easy to love those who love us and are kind to us, but loving someone who says unkind words or even treats us bad seems like the opposite of what we should do. The bible says love your enemies, or the people who do not love you.  


Jesus says we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. It is easy to love those who love us but what about the classmate who teases you in front of your other friends? Or the friend who chooses not to play with you when their other friends are around? Or the girl who laughs at your work and calls you names? Is it easy to love those people as well? Discuss some things you can do in return, when faced with these times, that will show the other person God’s love instead of returned unkindness.

Do one or more of the following activities.


Create your own hopscotch game using the attached scenario cards. Tape the cards on the floor turned upside down. You can choose to outline the boxes with scotch tape (which pulls up from carpet easily) or just use the cards without lines and players jump onto the cards. Toss a beanbag or large bean onto a card, as in the game of hopscotch, and the player hops until they reach their card. The player will stand on one foot or two depending on where they land and reach down to turn their card over. Read the scenario and answer how they would show love in response to the scenario on the card.

Materials: scotch tape, hopscotch outline, scenario cards, small bean bag


Play this game of memory. Match the cards that describe how we should treat others with love even when they are treating us the opposite way.

Materials: memory game


Draw a picture of someone showing kindness in one of the following places.

-playground -classroom -church -cafeteria -your house -a park

Materials: White paper, Crayons, Blind fold



Make a Love Mobile. Using white paper cut out a large circle and write the following scripture  “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34  “. On small cut out hearts write the names of people you love and need to love even if they are not kind to you. Use this mobile to pray for the people you listed throughout the week.

Materials: white construction paper, small hearts from colored construction paper


Coloring Page

Materials: Coloring sheet printout, Crayons or Markers


Has anyone been unkind to you before?

How did you respond to their unkindness?

What are some things you could do to respond with kindness?

Are there ways you may be treating someone else that does not show love?

Practical Application at Home

Find practical ways to show love to your family at home or your teachers and classmates at school.

-Write a note to say you are thinking of them or are praying for them.

-Say a prayer for a friend, even if you don’t know their prayer request.

-Give a friend a high 5  when they have done a good job.

-Share your favorite toy with a sibling..

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food